
May 29th, 2009 Comments Off on BHColourPicker!

It’s generally usable now, so I’ve decided to release it, warts and all. I’ve created a Google Code project for it, bhcolourpicker, where ‘bh’ stands for ‘bunnyhero’ :)

It’s not particularly well-documented at the moment, but that will (hopefully) change.

Here’s an excerpt from the HowTo page on the project site:

To show the colour picker, use code something like the following:

    //  since it has 'new' in the method name, you own it...
    BHColourPickerController *vc = [BHColourPickerController newColourPickerController];
    vc.delegate = self;                    // the delegate
    vc.colour = self.view.backgroundColor; // the initial colour
    vc.titleText = @"Some kind of title";  // title to display
    [self presentModalViewController:vc animated:YES];
    [vc release];   //  ...and must release it

You must implement the BHColourPickerControllerDelegate protocol in one of your objects. Implement the following two methods (with examples):

- (void)colourPickerControllerDidCancel:(BHColourPickerController *)controller
    // the user just cancelled it; put the picker away
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
- (void)colourPickerController:(BHColourPickerController *)controller didFinishPickingColour:(UIColor *)colour
    // the user confirmed a colour; do something with it
    self.view.backgroundColor = colour;
    // and put the picker away
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

I’ve released it under a New BSD Licence. Share and enjoy!

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