JSFL in Flash CS3

May 9th, 2007 § 2 comments

I still don’t have Flash CS3, but I was wondering what was changed in JSFL in the new release. The info is on livedocs. Alas, as far as I can tell, there is no event or anything sent when the selection changes, which would be a great help. Oh well. Maybe in the next version? :P

§ 2 Responses to JSFL in Flash CS3"

  • Keith says:

    I was wondering too about JSFL in Flash CS3. (I’m still using Flash8 and Flex2) I wanted to know if the usage of XUL markup was expanded, if not I was banking on using Flex more for my JSFL UIs. Oh well I guess I will download the trial.

  • bunnyhero says:

    That’s a good idea… I haven’t even downloaded the trial version!

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